"F.lli Carlessi SpA"
specialization is designing and construction of splitting machines, hide extractors and accessories.
"F.lli Poletto Officine Meccaniche S.p.A."
manufacturer of flashing, splitting, shaving, through feed sammying M/C, setting out machines, spray fumes cleaners, finishing lines, and more.
"Officine di Cartigliano S.p.A."
head stacking machine, through feed dying machine, low temperature drying tunnel, radio frequency plant, stacker, single table vacuum dryer, vacuum drying, etc.
Infra-red conveyor drying tunnels and infrared textile dryers for drying screen printed t-shirts, transfers and sportswear.
"Poletto Group"
F.lli Poletto Off. Meccaniche SpA, head of the Poletto Group, is the world leader in the tannery systems and machines sector: it can offer its customers more than 35 years of experience, uninterrupted technological research and technical assistance.